Click here to read about the latest happenings at 1st Northwood.
1st News Issue #100 is here!
See what 1st Northwood Scout Group has been doing during lockdown, and admire our new-look newsletter – just click here.
Our Summer Artwork
The Group is supporting the Scout Association Care for Care Homes – 10,000 Acts of Kindness initiative and sent some summer pictures to St Vincent’s Nursing Home. Their manager, Celine, was delighted:
Please pass on our thanks to the scouts and beavers for their lovely art work. I’m sure the residents will be lifted by the wonderful pictures.

We hoped to have regular contact with St Vincent’s with visits from all sections for games, shared learning, singing and helping out, but Covid and the suspension of face-to-face scouting prevented that; getting involved in this project was a logical step.
New Little Hut
On 27th May, Passmores delivered and put up our replacement for the old Neal Hut, just inside the main gate. Passmores are the company that supplied the new Scouting Centre, so they match perfectly! It has two opening hatches for serving teas at Jumble, a double door entrance, and it’s slightly bigger than the old one.
For the last two weeks Richard Plume has been up there most afternoons fitting it out with shelves, worktops and electrics, see pictures. Each of the serving hatches has a fold-up/fold-down serving counter; when not in use they fold down completely flat against the wall.
On 13th June, we moved back in all the things that belong there, mainly our tables and lots of Jumble-related equipment. Roll on next year’s Jumble Sale!
We Hike to the Moon
Scouts were encouraged to walk a mile or more – and get sponsored by friends and family – as part of the BBC Children in Need and Comic Relief Big Day In on 23rd April 2020. If every Scout hiked one mile it would add up to the equivalent of the 240,000 miles to the Moon.
To make a donation click here.
St George’s Day 2020
With the ban on public gatherings still in place on 23rd April we were not able to have our usual St George’s Day Parade, so members from all of the sections wore their uniforms to take part in the ‘Clap For Our Carers’ at 8pm.
1st News Issue #99
Want to know what 1st Northwood Scout Group has been doing this term? Then download the latest newsletter here.
The daffs are blooming regardless!
In case you haven’t been able to go past the Scouting Centre recently, here’s a picture of the lovely flowers in full bloom in the planters by the main door. Thanks to Paul Akers for planting daffodils and wallflowers way back when life was ‘normal’.
We’re on Amazon Smile
You shop, Amazon gives.
Please register and support 1St Northwood Scout Group each time you shop on
When you are asked to choose your charity use the drop-down box to select 1St Northwood Scout Group
Note format with capital ‘S’ in 1st – beware there is also a 1st Northwood Scout Group on the Isle of Wight!
Thank you.
1st News Issue #98
To read the latest newsletter from 1st Northwood Scout Group please click here.