After many hours of work by Group committee members and friends, the Scouting Centre and Little Hut are ready for whatever the elements throw at them! They’ve each received two coats of Sadolin preservative which should protect the woodwork for some years to come. Thanks to all those who played a part in Richard’s working parties.
Category: New Scouting Centre
New Little Hut
On 27th May, Passmores delivered and put up our replacement for the old Neal Hut, just inside the main gate. Passmores are the company that supplied the new Scouting Centre, so they match perfectly! It has two opening hatches for serving teas at Jumble, a double door entrance, and it’s slightly bigger than the old one.
For the last two weeks Richard Plume has been up there most afternoons fitting it out with shelves, worktops and electrics, see pictures. Each of the serving hatches has a fold-up/fold-down serving counter; when not in use they fold down completely flat against the wall.
On 13th June, we moved back in all the things that belong there, mainly our tables and lots of Jumble-related equipment. Roll on next year’s Jumble Sale!
It’s Official – we’re open!
On Thursday 19th September 2019, our new Scouting Centre was officially opened by past mayors Cllr Carol Melvin and Cllr John Morgan. It was a wonderful warm and sunny evening attended by over 100 guests.

The purpose of event was to thank our major donors and contractors for making the project happen. The releasing of the ribbon and speeches were followed by a hog roast, and a bar was available throughout the evening. Continue reading “It’s Official – we’re open!”
Almost there …
It’s been a long time since we updated you on progress with the New Scouting Centre, a busy couple of months. As we reported in the April Newsletter the landscaping has been done including a hedge, the walls and ceilings have been fitted and painted, the floors are down in the kitchen and toilets, and most of the plumbing has been done. Continue reading “Almost there …”
What a Magical Evening
Congratulations to Ian and Ruth Stapleton who organised a fund-raising event with a difference on 27th April. An audience of over 100 was entertained and enthralled by Paul Newton’s magic show at Fairfield church. The event raised a little over £1,000 to add to the New Scouting Centre fund.
We’re getting there …
Since New Year, there has been lots of progress:
- Floor has been screeded
- Passmores have finished their work, fitting internal doors etc
- Ceilings have all been fitted by a contractor
- 40% of the 100 or so panels of plasterboard have been fitted by us, at three all-day working parties – it’s got a lot of walls, especially when you have to fit to both sides of the internal partitions!
Imminent works include rainwater drainage and landscaping starting on Friday 1st March; flooring has been ordered and will be fitted to kitchen and toilets week beginning 11th March – we have to finish painting walls and ceilings in those rooms by then. The electricity will be reconnected on 6/7th March. Lots to do!
New Year – New Scouting Centre
Thanks to the large band of volunteers who gave up some of their Christmas break, the new building has insulation fitted in the walls and roof.

The next major milestone will be the floor screed, starting on Monday 7th January. We will have to leave the screed for at least 2 weeks to set before we can walk on it. After that Passmores will return to finish doors, windows and other bits and pieces. Then we can start cladding the walls, installing electrics and plumbing etc – there’s still a great deal to do!
Told You!
We’ve kept saying that the plan showed we would have the roof on the new Scouting Centre by Christmas. Well, guess what? We did it with 3 days to spare! The roofers finished at 9.15 this morning – they made a 7.30am start so they could get an “early go”. Well, it is the shortest day of the year.
Phase 1 Completed on Schedule
Geostructures completed the foundations on target on Friday 16th November, and then spent three days in our “contingency” week tidying up the site. Passmores came to site on Monday 26th, erected all the walls and partitions, glazed them all, and left site again on Tuesday afternoon. Wow, how fast was that!
Next week we have a scaffolder coming on site to put scaffold all round the structure, so that Passmores can put the roof trusses on. And we should have a roof on by Christmas. But don’t expect a Christmas Party in there, lots of work still to be done.
Thanks to The Posse
Remember we reported on the local bikers’ Fun Day back in August? Well, on Friday 26th October they invited us to meet them at The Gate pub to receive their donation to our New Scouting Centre fund. In the photo you see Doug Horgan and Richard Plume being presented with a cheque for £1,643 by Nick.
In addition, one of the Posse members, Jackie (far left), passed on a donation for £500 from her employer GSK. Thank you everyone!